Looking at lunch aisle of the supermarket leaves me pretty uninspired and I know sandwiches will leave me feeling sluggish and lacking concentration in the afternoon. I'm also usually short on time and want to avoid getting the bump caught up in the crowds and queues.
So, I want something to hand, that's going to be nutritious, quick and provide me and bump with energy for a productive afternoon. What's more I'm thinking nutrients for me and the bump - especially after reading that giving babies nutritious food could significantly increase their earning power as adults (British Medical Journal research). I'm thinking early earning power from the children, early retirement for me!
My best tip is the ‘capsule store cupboard’ which you have at work and
top up regularly. That way you always have access for tasty, healthy and ‘save cash’ lunches.
How to create your capsule store cupboard:
Buy Monthly
• Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• Tins of Tuna, salmon, sardines and mackerel, lentils, chickpeas, red kidney beans,
cannelloni beans and mixed pulses
• 1 pack of Oatcakes or Ryvita
• 1 small carton of cream cheese spread or 1 small jar of dairy free mayonnaise
containing flaxseed (a better option as it contains the essential fatty acid from
flaxseed to sustain appetite - available from health food shop)
• Sugar Free Muesli
Buy Weekly:
• 2-3 lemons
• Small tub of each Hummus, Plain Yoghurt, Low-fat cottage cheese
• Loaf of Pumpernickel or dark rye bread (keeps well in fridge) or
• 1 pack of Wholemeal Pitta breads
• 1-2 large potatoes or sweet potatoes
• 1 bag of mixed Italian mixed salad leaves or Cos lettuce (more nutrients than iceberg
• 1 bag of watercress, spinach and rocket mix
• 6 plum tomatoes
• A pack of mange tout and French beans and small carrots
• 1 red onion
• 1 red/yellow/green pepper
• Pre cooked basmati brown rice or wild rice (prepare and cook on Sunday and it will
keep until Wednesday in the fridge)
• 2 cartons of vegetable soups or chicken and vegetable soups
• 5-6 cherry tomatoes
• Pieces of fruit (buy every 2 days for freshness)
• Packs of Fruit Salad (buy every 2-3 days)
• Small pot of Olives (from the deli counter)
How to mix and match your lunch items:
Now you have all the ingredients to hand in your work cupboard, you can use them to make
up different lunches each day.
Here are some lunch suggestions: The Energiser Lunch
Mix brown or wild rice with canned salmon and chopped salad vegetables
Add 2 teaspoons of your dairy free mayo and juice from half a lemon or 2 teaspoons of
cream cheese.
Have a few handfuls of Italian mixed salad leaves and 2-3 cherry tomatoes
The ‘Brain’ Power
Sardines or mackerel on a slice of rye bread (alternatively slice a pitta bread in half and
pack inside the fish) and add cos leaves and chopped peppers on the side or on top.
Mix the Sardines or Mackerel with juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of some natural
yoghurt or 2 teaspoons of cream cheese.
The warming, comforting
Baked sweet potato (to sustain energy for longer then white potatoes)
Add 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese, a handful of rocket leaves and a few chopped cherry
You can also add some hummus for more flavour
Add a few handfuls of mixed salad leaves on the side
The ‘Quickie’
Low fat yoghurt, fruit and a handful of muesli – a great grab and go ‘brunchy’ option.
This supplies energy nutrients and good bacteria for good digestion
The ‘Light Bite’
Place a good few handfuls of salad on a plate, top with a protein option (salmon, tuna,
sardines, lentils, cottage cheese) and 4 olives.
Add 2 teaspoons of olive oil and half the juice from one lemon.
Alternatively mix the fish with 2-3 teaspoons of cream cheese and juice from half a lemon.
Have 1-2 oatcakes on the side.
This is perfect if you’ve eaten out the night before and wish to ‘lighten’ up.
For our guide to my top 5 supercharge your energy foods, go to: www.fitnessnutritiontrainer.co.uk/articles.html
For more information on the UK's no 1 nutritional programmes for brides, mums to be
and new mums visit; www.beez-kneez.co.uk or contact +44 (0) 20 8 354 1583